
We appreciate that with an investment property any vacancy period is costing you money:
At Blue Moon Property every effort is made to ensure your property is let for the best possible price in the shortest possible time. 
Justin Voss has been a Real Estate Manager for 31 consecutive years (commencing in March 1989) and is known and respected on a National level as one of our countries most dynamic real estate minds. He is best known for his high profile auctioneer business which has secured him the title of the most respected auctioneer on the Sunshine Coast. What a lot of people don’t know about Justin, is that he is very hands on with the day to day running of his business and is very focused on providing the best service and the best return on investment for landlords.
Internet Marketing: This is by far the largest marketing tool available to us, and is very effective. Blue Moon Property will list your property on a number of fantastic property websites, with the most effective site being The  search engines deliver to over one million Qld property seekers to listings each month. The most important part of internet marketing of property is the photographs. Research shows that the more photographs you show of a property the more enquiries you get. We will always use as many photographs as possible and ensure they promote your property in the best possible light. 
Getting things right before moving day: Prior to the tenancy commencing, Blue Moon Property will have carried out a thorough Entry Condition Report for your property. Our software will enable our inspection officers to get a detailed account of the fixtures and fittings and their current condition, paying particular attention to cleanliness and any damages.The report is supported by a large number of digital photographs. It is vital these reports are detailed and thorough as they provide the base we have to work off to ensure the tenants look after your property and keep it in the same condition, of course allowing for ‘fair wear and tear’. These reports also provide the evidence we require should we need to claim any money from the tenants at the end of their tenancy. It is important to remember that the condition the tenant takes the property in is the condition they must return it in. Therefore it is necessary to start with the property in good order to maintain a high standard and attract a quality tenant. We will always advise you if there are any necessary maintenance issues that should be attended to. Prior to your tenants moving in Blue Moon Property will collect a bond from them (equivalent of 4 weeks rent) plus 2 weeks rent. We then pay the bond to and register it with the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) on your behalf, dealing with all the required legal documentation that goes with this.
We keep a close eye on your property: At Blue Moon Property it is our policy to inspect your property four weeks after the tenancy commences and every three to four months thereafter. Legislation does not allow for routine inspections to be carried out more frequently than every three months.The purpose of these inspections is to ensure the tenants are taking good care of your property and also to look for any unreported maintenance problems there may be. Regular inspections are paramount to manage your property effectively and ensure the quality of your tenants remains high. We are thorough during these inspections and take photographs while we are there to support anything we are noting. Following our property inspection you will receive a written inspection report including photographs detailing the manner in which the tenant is caring for your property and its general condition (including recommendations for present and future maintenance). Our Blue Moon Property team are continuously driving around the area and will conduct ‘random curb side inspections’ on the properties that we manage. If we notice anything that is not as it should be we will make a courtesy call to the tenants.
Zero tolerance on rental arrears: Through Blue Moon Property's strict tenant selection procedures, we are pleased to say that our percentage of tenants in arrears is always very minimal. However, should a tenant fall into arrears, we follow the guidelines of the Residential Tenancies Authority as set out below the guidelines of the Residential Tenancies Authority. Allowance must be made, if posting, for public holidays and weekends when serving notices.  To help avoid getting to this stage we will always send a courteous reminder via SMS to the tenants on Day 3 and then phone them on Day 4. During this entire rent arrears process we communicate with you and the tenant to help resolve the problem as quick as possible.
Keeping within the rules: One of the most complex areas of property management is the legislation and paperwork that is required under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act that came into operation on the 3rd April 1995 and was last updated in 2008. It is also vital to ensure guidelines and rules from other relevant acts, such as the Property Occupation Act 2014, the Privacy Act, the Anti - Discrimination Act and Trade Practices Act are strictly adhered to. All these acts provide for large penalties to be imposed on landlords and agents who do not comply with the provisions of the legislation, its documentation and time restraints. This is why it is imperative to entrust your property to an agent who is fully licensed with staff who are well trained in all facets of property management, in particular the legislation. 
As your real estate and property managers Blue Moon Property will:
• Prepare and have signed a Residential Tenancy Agreement
• Collect a bond equivalent to four weeks rent and lodge with the RTA
• Complete a comprehensive Entry Condition Report
• Issue tenants with all the relevant documents and notices in accordance with legislation



"My team and I understand the importance of having an excellent tenant in place to ensure your investment is protected. I stand in front of my brand, not hide behind it and am happy to answer any questions. Please contact me directly on the above links if you would like to know some more about my property management business"

Justin Voss, Blue Moon Founder.

Please watch this helpful video.